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We Are a


As Leaders we inspire people to learn to make healthful lifestyle choices. As Teachers we empower people with ProactiveHealth® Skills to prevent illness. As a Team we aspire to help all people enjoy healthier happier lives.


We are a small team of Smart Creatives bound for Massive Impact. We start with why - figure out how - make what works with joy and delight. We are storytellers, music makers, scholars, artists, poets and dreamers.

 We dream up new ideas and conduct tryouts as we gather feedback, refine and upgrade. We create engaging ProactiveHealth® Programs that are fun to teach, fun to learn and fun to share. We develop ProactiveHealth® Self-Care Skill Curricula for activity professionals and caregiver coaches.



 We are a small team of Smart Creatives




Software engineer / IT consultant / web developer / technology director

Fine artist / graphic designer / content advisor / artistic director

Recording artist / music composer / lyricist / music director

ProactiveHealth® founder / health educator / innovation director

Alan, Sandra, Bridget and Michael are thought leaders who generate inspiration, empowerment and wholehearted smiles. Innovators with proven action plans for ProactiveHealth®… leading transformation from costly reactive sick care. Inspiring people to learn joyful ways to prevent illness, reverse chronic conditions and have healthier happier lives.


Michael is a mind-body activity specialist and innovation director at Health Education Services LLC.

He creates and develops delightful evidence-based mind-body activity programs for organizations, agencies and Senior Living Communities. ProactiveHealth® Skill Programs provide benefits validated

by National Institutes of Health research and authenticated with Lifestyle Medicine Certifications from Harvard Medical School. Michael is author of numerous mind-body journal articles; Member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine; Member of National Association of Chronic Disease Director


Michael is an honorably discharged US Marine Captain Vietnam Veteran with over four years active service. He had command and leadership responsibility for teams from three to three thousand US Marines. Martial arts expertise in extreme body conditioning, injury recovery and prevention led to his creation of Our Mindful Moves®, Move Breathe Smile®, Silken Strength® and Osteotap® for bone vitality evidence-based ProactiveHealth® Programs.


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